On January 22, at the invitation of Mao Weijian, a researcher from the State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics, LI Xuelei, an associate researcher at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, came to APM for academic exchange and gave an academic report titled “Non-iterative Imaging and Inversion of the Angle Domain Generalized Radon Transform”. Relevant scientific research personnel and students from APM participated in this academic report exchange meeting.
In the report, LI Xuelei introduced the theoretical method of Angle-Domain Generalized Radon Transform (AD-GRT) and the technology of coherence constraint. The report pointed out that AD-GRT is an integral transform between seismic data and angle-domain models, preserving the complete information of seismic scattering data. Even if the background model is wrong, seismic data can be accurately reconstructed. The proposed coherence constraint technology has achieved significant imaging improvements in sparse data, simultaneous sources, VSP, low signal-to-noise ratio, etc, and has been practically applied and promoted.
After the report, the participants had a lively discussion on high-performance parallel computing, multi-parameter density inversion, angle-domain seismic data transformation, and coherence constraints, achieving good communication results.

the meeting scene