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Academic Report by the Division of Precision Scientific Instrumentation at APM on April 26, 2024

Title: Development of novel stable radicals for high-field dynamic nuclear polarization technology in intracellular environment
Presenter: Professor LIU Yangping, Tianjin Medical University
Time: April 26, 2024 (Friday) 10:00-12:00
Location: Conference Room 426, M Building 

Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) technology is a powerful tool to overcome the inherent sensitivity limitations of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR), which can be used for the study of the structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules in their native environment. However, its development largely depends on the research and development of polarizing agents. Existing polarizing agents still face multiple challenges in intracellular SSNMR-DNP applications: (I) the magnetic field dependence of polarizing agents reduces their DNP performance in high magnetic fields; (II) the DNP enhancement of polarizing agents for biological macromolecules is much lower than that for small molecules; (III) the reducing sensitivity of polarizing agents in cellular environments easily causes them to lose DNP activity. To address these challenges, we have focused on the development of high-field polarizing agents based on novel TN biradicals in the past few years. The obtained polarizing agents not only refresh the record of enhancement factors for soluble proteins and membrane proteins under ultra-high magnetic fields (18.8 T), but also exhibit high stability in cellular environments, showing broad application prospects in intracellular DNP-SSNMR.
