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Academic Report by the Division of Precision Measurement Physics at APM on July 1, 2024

Topic: Tests of the general theory of relativity and of gravitational physics with the LARES and LARES 2 space experiments
TIME: July 1, 2024(Mon)10:30
Location: Reporting Hall M1017
presenter: Prof. Ignazio Ciufolini (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Inviter: Researcher WANG Jin

Introduction of presenter : Ignazio Ciufolini, research associate at the Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and at the School of Aerospace Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome, and former professor of physics at the University of Salento and lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin, has dedicated his research to the general theory of relativity(GR) and its tests. He has published works with some of the leading experts of GR such as John Archibald Wheeler and Roger Penrose. Among his international awards: The USA PROSE award 1996(Association of American Publishers)for the best professional book in physics and astronomy(Gravitation and Inertia,with John A. Wheeler, Princeton University Press, 1995);the Occhialini 2010 Medal of IOP (UK and Ireland Institute of Physics) and SIF; The Tomassoni-Chisesi Award 200l for Physics of Sapienza, University of Rome.

Abstract: This talk is devoted to dragging of inertial frames (frame-dragging), or gravitomagnetism. an intriguing phenomenon predicted by GR with fundamental implications in high energy. astrophysics and in the generation of gravitational waves by spinning black holes. In particular the talk is devoted to the tests of frame-dragging with the LARES (Laser Relativity Satellite) and LARES 2 space experiments of the Italian Space Agency (ASI)and to its previous tests with LAGEOS (Laser GEO dynamic Satellite) of NASA and LAGEOS 2 of ASI and NASA. The LARES space experiment has also provided and together with LARES 2 will provide some tests the equivalence principle, at the foundations of GR and other gravitational theories.
